Advance Directives allow you to state your preferences in case you can't communicate
Control Disposition Form This form is based on Utah code 58-9-602. It allows you to appoint one person to authorize your after deathcare. This person will have first priority over next-of-kin Disposition Disputes illustrates the value of assigning one individual: 58-9-605 (not necessarily obligating themselves to pay).
Make this form official by signing in front of a notary (easily done for free at any bank) or follow Utah law for witness signatures (Utah code 75-2-502).
To alter this Google Doc form, just create a duplicate: click on "File", then "Make a Copy"
For any State in the USA: Control Disposition/Assign Right
Utah "Living Will" aka Advance Healthcare Directive This Document helps you express your wishes about medical interventions before a time comes that you can not. Example) Prevent being forced to be on "life support" for years, before you die. The form is one document and the instructions, should you need any, are below it (they call the instructions: Advance Care Guide)
If you moved here from another state you should fill out this new one.
Funeral Planning Worksheet Either print, or customize this worksheet online by going to "File", then "Make a Copy". A copy will appear that only you can see and edit.
A funeral plan should be a loving guide for your family, not a demand from beyond the grave.
A template letter to introduce your family to your after-deathcare preferences.
A template letter to introduce your family to your FCA membership and preferences.
To Pre-pay or NOT to Pre-pay, that is the question. If you decide to prepay in Utah you CAN change your mind. Utah State Licensure Rules R156-9-616 reads:
"If a buyer revokes or defaults under a guaranteed preneed funeral arrangement contract, the funeral service establishment may retain a revocation fee from the trust corpus, not to exceed 25% of the amount received from the sale of the contract and trust earnings thereupon, provided the revocation fee is clearly identified in the contract."
BUT there's lots of ways to squirrel away money for a funeral. One favorite:
A Pay-on-Death (P.O.D.) account is a savings account that you assign to someone else in the event they present your death certificate. The "beneficiary" can use that money to pay your immediate bills. The money is not subject to probate. The bank is not allowed to inquire what that person will do with the money. So pick someone you trust. Your assigned "designated agent to control disposition of remains" may be a good person to be the beneficiary for this account.
Whole Body Donation Form For free you may bequeath your body to the University of Utah for science and education. Transportation costs are covered within 50 miles. You can even specify whether, following the required cremation, the ashes be returned to family or be buried in the Salt Lake City Cemetery. Every year a memorial service is held in May and survivors of donors receive written invitations to participate.
If you sign up BUT you've also stated on your Drivers License that you want to donate organs, THEN eyes and skin are the only organs you can donate. Donation of other organs disqualifies the body for donation to the school.
Utah's Organ Donor Directive using your drivers license number you can edit your specific organ donor preferences. Example, one person wrote in their specifications: "I want my friends to carry out my funeral and body transport without a funeral director. So only remove those organs and tissue that allow my body to be completely sutured and sealed by the organ recovery team."
Mortuaries often include on their price list a charge for organ donor repair BUT Intermountain Donor Services (IDS) is supposed to pay that fee. So do NOT let a mortuary charge you.
Is Cremation Okay with God?: Quotes on cremation vs whole body burial from The Holy Bible and church leaders.
Continue to expand this resource by send your primary source quotes to help those seeking clarification between: cultural demands vs. religious doctrine.
Intermountain West Connections:
Pre-planning a Home Funeral?
Fill out a Funeral Planning Worksheet
Figure the cost of cremation or burial and how to pay for it
Print the Step by Step guide and flow chart for quick-reference
If you don't have next-of-kin that can carry out your after deathcare then fill out an Assignment Form to appoint one person to control the disposition of your remains.
If you want to provide a program for funeral attendees here is a template in Microsoft Publisher format. Insert your own pictures and as much information as you can ahead of time.
Compile and give copies to your chosen Dispositioner. and next-of-kin (so they know).
A Fantastic Preplanning Suggestion we just Discovered
Memorialize THE LIFE of your loved one through a professional documentary
The inspirational movie Departures
helps re-examine
our own funeral CULTure:
"I'm young and healthy!
Why should I have a Living Will & Funeral Plan?"
Life is richer when you live like each day could be your last.
Others receive comfort knowing your wishes when you can't speak for yourself.
Doctors are more likely to make decisions that are best, instead of protocol.
Hospitals will be less able to bankrupt your family.
Family will be less likely to argue with each other.
If you ever want to approach someone to ask them to make their funeral plans (when they are sick, old, or dying) THEN you won't look like a jerk. ...unless you are on your last leg. Then it totally looks like you're just trying to take them down with you!
Storage Option for Advance Directives: A one time $50 fee at the www.usacpr.com registry can help ensure your Directives are found when needed.