Frequently Asked Questions
Can FCA pay for my loved one's funeral?
Sorry, we don't have the funds to pay for people's funerals, BUT ideas about where to find money and reduce costs are on our Financial Aid" page.
What is the least expensive funeral home in my area?
To compare prices at-a-glance using our price survey. We are not affiliated with or funded by any funeral business or businesses.
The price list that the police, hospice or hospital hand you is often incomplete! We have seen them specifically leave off the cheapest mortuary!
In our price comparison you can tell which funeral homes charge less, even if it doesn't list the specific item or service you want. Then reach out to the funeral homes you are interested in to obtain a "General Price List" (GPL) in order to confirm their prices.
How do I Resolve a Complaint against a Funeral Home, a cemetery, or a monument dealer? See our Step by Step list to complaint resolution Outside Utah this State by State resource provides contact info of State Funeral licensure Boards across the country.
Will FCA help me do a family-directed funeral?
All the info you need is on our DIY page. We can also consult by phone to offer support and encouragement. We love to hear from you anytime.
I called & left a message with Joyce 801-368-5884 (mobile) or Sharlynn 801-391-6556 (mobile) but I really need help now. What should I do?
Please TEXT us in case we haven't noticed there is a voicemail waiting. Please try again. We volunteer from home so don't hesitate to call in the evenings or on weekends.
How did you get involved with funeral consumer advocacy?
Kathleen, Joyce, and Sharlynn answer