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Keeping a Body Cool

Since we know bodies smell as they decompose we willingly want to apply principles that slow decomposition. We do this for the same reason that we refrigerate fresh groceries. No law is required to get people to take care of groceries properly, neither is there to care for our own deceased loved ones who are far more precious to us than groceries.

One good guideline: begin refrigeration within

the first 4-6 hours after death.

ThermaFreeze Reusable Ice Pack Sheets for Coolers, 10x15, 4x6 Cells 

One Utah family explained,

"One pack went under the head, one went under each shoulder blade, two side-by-side under the kidneys, and one over the abdomen. 

We traded them out every 6 hours or more, and they wer
e still cold enough to remain there longer.

We kept our mother's body for almost 72 hours.  We had a celebration of life at our nearby church, without the body, then family came and just enjoyed the sweet spirit at home, until the mortuary sent their representatives out to pick up the body for a cremation."


Another family described their father's February funeral preparations,

"Before the funeral his body remained in the casket in the van we borrowed and which we used to pick him up from Delta Cargo.

We kept the van parked in our garage for two days. We lit the inside of the van with a single light to bring the feeling of love and care we felt for him. We monitored the temperature which stayed a perfect 40 degrees the entire two days as we waited for family to arrive for the services."

A typical adult body requires about 16 lbs per day. Ha
ve on hand:

  • Heavy Gloves,

  • Hammer

  • Chisel or screw driver for breaking sections of the ice (never touch with bare hands)

To place the dry ice against the body: wrap each piece of dry ice in a paper bag, then wrap that in a cloth. Then placed under the body. It keeps the body nicely without freezing it or causing a ghostly mist.

A thorough Article on Cooling

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